Fog Advisory & Rainfall Warning In Effect For Guelph

Photo Credit & Source: Environment Canada

Alerts for: Waterloo - Wellington


4:07 AM EST Tuesday 20 February 2018
Rainfall warning in effect for:

  • Guelph - Erin - Southern Wellington County
  • Kitchener - Cambridge - Region of Waterloo
  • Mount Forest - Arthur - Northern Wellington County

Rain, heavy at times continues. The frozen ground has a reduced ability to absorb this rainfall.

Major rainfall event continues until Wednesday morning.

Several rounds of rain will continue today and tonight. Total rainfall amounts from Monday night through Wednesday will be in the 50 to 75 mm range.

This wet, record mild spell is attributed to a series of low pressure systems moving along a warm front draped across the lower Great Lakes. A cold front will arrive Wednesday, bringing an end to the rain.

Localized flooding in low-lying areas is possible. If visibility is reduced while driving, slow down, watch for tail lights ahead and be prepared to stop.

Rainfall warnings are issued when significant rainfall is expected.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #ONStorm.



4:33 AM EST Tuesday 20 February 2018
Fog advisory in effect for:

  • Guelph - Erin - Southern Wellington County
  • Kitchener - Cambridge - Region of Waterloo
  • Mount Forest - Arthur - Northern Wellington County

Near zero visibility in fog is expected or occurring.

Widespread fog is persisting this morning. Visibilities will be frequently reduced to less than 800 metres at times. Fog is expected to lift later this morning.

If visibility is reduced while driving, slow down, watch for tail lights ahead and be prepared to stop.

Fog advisories are issued when near zero visibilities in fog are expected or occurring.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #ONStorm.


Read the Alerts on the website

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