Guelph Arts Council

Our Vision: Championing Guelph’s vibrant creative community

Our Mission: To advocate for and foster a collaborative creative community in Guelph

For forty years, Guelph Arts Council has been dedicated to supporting, stimulating and promoting arts and culture in Guelph. As we head into our 40th anniversary year, we look to the future with optimism and a reassessment of our purpose in this vibrant community.

Through our most recent strategic planning, we have set key goals for the Arts Council that will guide our activities for the next three to five years.

We aim to:

  • raise awareness of and involvement in the arts in Guelph
  • provide opportunities for the creative community to further their trade
  • foster community engagement, partnerships, and creative collaboration

In addition to these overarching goals, we aim to be as efficient and environmentally-friendly as possible. We have ceased our regular mailings and printed calendars* and all of our information will be available on our website. The site will continue to evolve and grow, providing event listings, artist profiles, resources and more.

Guelph Arts Council is overseen by an elected volunteer Board of Directors representing a cross-section of the community, including business, legal, communications and the arts.

We hope you’ll join us as we celebrate the last forty successful years of the Council and look ahead to the next forty.


147 Wyndham Street North, Suite 404

Guelph, Ontario N1H 4E9


10:00-4:00 Tuesday-Friday

Closed Mondays


Phone: (519) 836-3280
Email: [email protected]

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