Guelph Museum Presents: A Week Of Remembrance

Remembrance Week

Sunday, November 5 to Saturday, November 11

Thank A Veteran

Sunday, November 5 | 1:30 to 3:30 PM | McCrae House

Join us at McCrae House, where local veterans will be on hand to visit and exchange stories. 

The World Remembers

Until November 11

Leading up to Remembrance Day, a digital memorial will display the names of 700,000 people killed in action in 1917, including 20,400 Canadians, serving at Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele and Hill 70. 

Names will be displayed at McCrae House during regular museum hours, Tuesday to Sunday, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Names will also be projected at Guelph Civic Museum during Remembrance Week, November 5 until the conclusion of the presentation at sunset on November 11.

Each name will appear at an exact day, hour and minute found on The World Remembers website, Viewers are encouraged to search the names to explore the history behind each name.


Remembrance Day Service

Saturday, November 11 | 9 AM | McCrae Memorial Garden

Remembrance service by Royal Canadian Legion, Colonel John McCrae Memorial Branch 234.   

Admission by donation at McCrae House.

Remembrance Day

Saturday, November 11 | 9 AM to 5 PM

McCrae House

Admission by donation at McCrae House.


For more information visit the Guelph Museums website at:

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