Guelph Public Library

In the city of Guelph there are 6 libraries and a bookmobile for residents to visit. Each location has their own unique features and offerings.

Library Address Phone Number
Main Library 100 Norfolk Street 519-824-6220
Bullfrog Mall 380 Eramosa Road 519-829-4401
East Side 1 Starwood Drive 519-829-4405
Scottsdale 650 Scottsdale Drive 519-829-4402
West End 21 Imperial Road South 519-829-4403
Westminster Square 100-31 Farley Drive 519-829-4404
Bookmobile Click here for schedule 519-829-4401

On their website you can locate information regarding:

  • events
  • library locations and hours of operation
  • room rentals
  • local history archives including resources available to research your family tree or the history of your home
  • a portal dedicated to teens including events happening at the library, book recommendations and online resources
  • a portal dedicated to kids including library events, book recommendations and games

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Information on Guelph library locations, events and portals for kids and teens.
A&E Books & Writing A&E Type Museums, Heritage, Libraries Directory Museums, Heritage, Libraries


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