Help Starting your own Business

Are you thinking of starting your own business or are you already a proud owner of a local business?

Find help to start a business or make it stronger by contacting the organizations listed below. They can help you to:

  • Develop your business idea
  • Make a business plan
  • Find money to start or grow your business
  • Plan for the future
  • Build your profressional network.


Suite 700, 133 Richmond St W, Toronto
(416) 408-2923

Futurpreneur has a Newcomer Program for newcomers to Canada between the ages of 18-39 years who have been in Canada less than 60 months.

Connect Guelph Portal 

The Connect Guelph Portal brings together resources for people and companies looking to business in Guelph and Wellington County. The Connect Guelph portal can help you find the support you are looking for.

Guelph Chamber of Commerce Business Directory

The Connect Guelph Business Directory helps companies get connected to other international companies, suppliers, customers or other strategic partners. The Connect Guelph Business Directory provides the most comprehensive list of businesses in the City of Guelph and Wellington County.

Guelph Wellington Business Enterprise Centre

42 Wyndham St. N., Guelph


For those interested in self-employment programs. A variety of training for business start-up, established businesses, youth business programs and general interest.

Innovation Guelph

111 Farquhar St., 3rd Floor, Guelph

Guelph is a community that is open to new ideas and new ways of doing things.  As a community partner, Innovation Guelph acts to cultivate entrepreneurship, powerful partnerships, and innovative initiatives that transform the way we do things in business and in our communities.

Wellington-Waterloo Community Futures

294 Mill Street E. Unit 207, Elora

Focusing on job creation through strategic planning, the Wellington-Waterloo Community Futures program provides funding and advisory services to area businesses. Economic development support, business consulting, and loans are available to businesses and residents of rural areas of the County of Wellington and the Region of Waterloo.

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Find help to start a business or make it stronger by contacting these organizations.
Business Doing Business in Guelph


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