NEW! Watch Market Square in Guelph LIVE!

Did you know that Guelph’s Market Square is a modern version of the original downtown Market Place district. In the 1800’s the space surrounding Guelph’s original City Hall building at 59 Carden Street served as Guelph’s market area and central meeting place.

The current Market Square is a contemporary version of the original, and is ideal for hosting festivals, concerts, community events and civic celebrations. The scenic spot is also the perfect place for meeting up with friends, going shopping or sitting, relaxing, and doing nothing at all.

A new feature of Market Square is a webcam that has been installed on the top of City Hall overlooking Guelph's Market Square.

The camera will provide a live, 24-hour feed of Market Square — a year round community gathering space. 

Notes: The camera will not be used for security surveillance purposes and the images captured are not being recorded. The webcam is also far enough away from the square to ensure faces aren’t visible or identifiable.

You can watch the live webcam feed here: Guelph Market Square Live Webcam

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