Press Release Frozen Dog Treasts Made in Guelph

Press Release For Immediate Release Company: Laza Food & Beverages Inc Contact: Melku Gebrekristos CEO Email: [email protected] Phone: 519 731 2204 Web: Guelph, ON. (July 3, 2020) LOCAL BUSINESS LAUNCHES ARKI DOGGY FROZEN TREATS FOR DOGS Today, Guelph-based Laza Food & Beverages Inc. introduced a new product line: “Arki Doggy Frozen Treats”, explicitly created for dogs Laza Food & Beverages Inc. has added something new to their line of all-natural products and is proud to announce the launch of its new Arki line of frozen treats for dogs. These are single-serve ice-pop treats and they were designed specifically to provide all dogs with a treat to help them deal with the heat of the summer and to provide them with a light, tasty, refreshing snack. Laza Food & Beverages is always focused on providing very high-quality products which are healthy for the consumer. This is no different for their dog treats. All natural and unsweetened, Arki Doggy Frozen Treats are made with only high quality “human grade” ingredients and come in two flavours, Carrot Chicken and Banana Peanut Butter. Melku Gebrekristos, Laza Founder and CEO, gives credit for this new branch of the business to her son, Essay Michael. Gebrekristos says “Arki, which means ‘friend’ in Tigrinya, the language spoken in Eritrea, is my son’s brainchild. Essay’s dog Arki loves our frozen treats”. Because of the flavours selected for these treats, dogs will not only find them refreshing and healthful, but dog owners will also enjoy feeding them to their pets. “We have given the Arki doggy treats to our beautiful Boston Terrier Pug Talula, and she loves them” said Julie Henshaw of Guelph. “The doggy treats are easy to feed, and if Talula could write you a review, I think it would be 5 stars! She just lapped them up!” Arki Doggy Frozen Treats are available for purchase at Laza Food & Beverages, 74 Ontario Street, Guelph, Ontario. About Laza Food & Beverages: Laza Food & Beverages is an Ontario-based company founded in 2009 and is the developer of unique lines of beverages, frozen Ice Pops and the Arki Doggy Frozen Treats line. Our company is dedicated to creating and marketing nutritious and authentic food products made from natural ingredients which taste great and are very refreshing. For more information on this release, please contact Melku Gebrekristos (519) 731 2204 Website: Email: [email protected] @ArkiDogTreats

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