Guelph releases top priorities for the federal election

Guelph, Ont., March 24, 2025 – As part of the City of Guelph’s “Future in Focus: Building Guelph Together” advocacy campaign, and in advance of the of the upcoming federal election on April 28, the City is putting forward its priorities for attention and support for the next federal government. 

As economic uncertainty threatens worker and business security, we continue to face broad systemic issues including rising housing prices, aging infrastructure, and municipal funding shortfalls. In response to these growing concerns, the City is prioritizing economic resiliency and collaborative growth. We urge the next federal government to:  

  • Provide investments, guidance, and support to strengthen municipal economic resiliency
  • Foster collaborative growth through funding and other support for housing and infrastructure
  • Work with all levels of government towards a renewed, sustainable, and predictable Municipal Fiscal Framework 

“Addressing local challenges in this increasingly uncertain environment requires a collaborative and intergovernmental approach” stated City of Guelph Mayor Cam Guthrie. “Over the past several years, federal support and investments have been greatly beneficial to advance projects in Guelph. I look forward to continuing our strong relationship with the federal government to ensure that Guelph remains strong, resilient, and a great place to live.” 

The City of Guelph is calling on local candidates to support these priorities and, if elected, to advance them on Guelph’s behalf on Parliament Hill.  

More information on the City of Guelph’s specific priorities and calls to action is available on the City’s Advocacy and Government Relations webpage. Voters can find information about how, when and where to vote, as well as about local Guelph candidates, by visiting the Elections Canada website.  

Media contact
Megan Reeve, (she/her)
Advisor, Strategic Communications
Strategic Communications & Community Engagement
City of Guelph
[email protected] 

This entry was posted in Economic Development and tagged election, Future In Focus on .


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