Open house for Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District Plan

Help shape a potential heritage conservation district in the downtown core

You’re invited to an open house for Phase 2 of the Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District (HCD) project. Please join us on Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, anytime between 4:30 pm and 6:30 p.m. in the Marg Mackinnon Room at City Hall. Come learn about the project and share your feedback!

Work on the Downtown Guelph HCD Plan is just getting started. Members of the project team will share background information and preliminary findings at multiple stations, and will be available to answer your questions and hear your comments.

You will learn about:

  • the final Downtown Guelph HCD Study findings,
  • the Statement of District Significance and Heritage Attributes,
  • the Preliminary Statement of District Objectives
  • contributing and non-contributing properties, and
  • the City of Guelph’s Heritage Permit System.

We are seeking your input on advantages and challenges with a potential HCD in downtown Guelph, as well as feedback on the information shared.

Date:          Wednesday, January 29th

Time:         4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Location:    Marg Mackinnon Room, City Hall, 1 Carden Street, Guelph, Ontario

Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Drop in at any time to chat with the project team and provide feedback.

How we got here

Last Fall, City staff presented Phase One of the Downtown Heritage Conservation District project to Council. This phase involved extensive research and community engagement to understand the objectives, heritage values and heritage attributes the Guelph community feels are important to be included in a potential Heritage Conservation District in the downtown Guelph. This engagement period helped identify the unique community character and heritage value of Guelph’s historic downtown core and helped City staff propose a boundary for a potential Heritage Conservation District.

Council approved the study and boundary and directed the team to begin Phase 2 of the Downtown Heritage Conservation District project.

Figure 1: The council approved boundary for an HCD in the historic downtown core.

A map of the boundaries of the proposed Heritage Conservation District in Guelph's downtown.

Join the conversation online

Can’t join us in person? We would love to hear from you online. You can share your feedback on HaveYourSay or learn more about the project and its progress on

For more information

Let us know if you require any accommodations or have any question by reaching out using the contact details below.

Imogen Goldie, Heritage Planner
Planning and Building Services
Infrastructure, Development and Environment
519-822-1260 extension 4240
[email protected]




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