Speed River New Balance Track & Field Club

The Speed River New Balance Track and Field Club was founded in 1997 by Dave Scott-Thomas as a club for University of Guelph student athletes and local runners.  Over the past eighteen years the club has grown in size and scope, to accommodate and attract athletes of all ages from across the country and has developed into one of the strongest track and field clubs in Canada.   Since 2007 eight Speed River athletes have represented Canada at a Major Championships including two athletes at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing and four athletes at the 2012 Olympic Games in London. 

Club Mandate 
The Speed River Track and Field Club is committed to growing the sport of athletics within the city of Guelph and Wellington County. Our objective is to provide programming from the playground to the podium and to help our athletes become the best they can be. 

Club Focus 

Our club’s focus centres on three groups. Developing youth athletes with a particular focus on high school age athletes, providing a summer competitive opportunity for members of the University of Guelph Track and Field program and developing international class post-collegiate athletes. 

Once a week one hour sessions per year
Dates- Fall: September 7-October 27, Spring: April 19- June 7
Location- Fall- Guelph Arboretum, Winter- Gryphon Fieldhouse, Spring- Alumni StadiumTime- 6-7pm
Cost- $100 (includes HST) per season
Once a week one hour sessions per year
Dates- Fall: September 7-October 27, Winter: January 5th- March 8th, Spring: April 12- June 14
Time 6-7 pm, Winter 7-8 pm
Location- Fall- Guelph Arboretum, Winter- Gryphon Fieldhouse, Spring- Alumni Stadium
Cost- $120 (includes HST) per season
Two-Three practices per week, practices are roughly two hours in length
Dates- Year Round
Time- Various
Location- Fall- Guelph Arboretum, Winter- Gryphon Fieldhouse, Spring- Alumni Stadium
Cost- $1200 + hst per year, registration in January (pro-rated fee if new member joins later in year)
Three practices per week, practices are roughly two hours in length
Dates- Year Round
Time- Various
Location- Fall- Guelph Arboretum, Winter- Gryphon Fieldhouse, Spring- Alumni Stadium
Cost- $1200 + hst per year, registration in January (pro-rated fee if new member joins later)

The Speed River Track and Field Club is pleased to partner with the Children's Foundation of Guelph and Wellington in their Free To Play program.  Athletes who have demonstrated financial need can apply through the Free To Play website to have their fees covered.  Please alert Club Manager Chris Moulton, if you intend to apply. 

Speed River Track and Field Club believes in accessibility for all athletes, athletes with a disability are welcome at all levels of Athlete Development Pathway.  For more information on Para Athletics please visit Athletics Canada's Para Sport page.

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